Tiny Hippo at the Apple Orchard

September is the perfect time to visit the local apple orchard. The air is crisp and clear putting one in the mood for long walks and tart apples!

So off I went to Wilson’s Apple Orchard, to partake of deliciously fresh apples. Of course, there are many distractions at the orchard, other than apples.

There are several pumpkin patches that are ripe for exploration

While I am not a huge fan of actual pumpkins…

I do love a good pumpkin flower!

Enough with delightfully tasty flowers, at the orchard, apples are my ultimate objective

Getting the best apples is always a bit of a challenge

First, develop a battle plan, you don’t want to get half way to your dream apple only to be foiled at the last-minute by poor planning

I like to use a sturdy rope with knots in it to reach the apples

Now then, once I secure my climbing rope in the tree it is time to climb!

Tiny hippo tree climbing, some would say an extreme sport, is certainly not for the weak of heart

Ah, at last I reach my lovely apple, how crisp it looks!

My apple picked, I put it in my red wagon, it is the perfect size for such things

My hard work has paid off, I can go home with my prize, after I show it to a few friends, of course

A trip to the apple orchard is a great way to spend the afternoon, and there are so many things that you can make with your freshly picked treasures. Check out my spicy apple chutney recipe, or my red rice salad with apricots, and try substituting apples in place of the apricots.

7 thoughts on “Tiny Hippo at the Apple Orchard

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